fabulous view over San Vigilio di Marebbe in summer

The weather in San Vigilio

If you are going to San Vigilio or if you need to plan the next few days of the holiday take a look at the San Vigilio di Marebbe weather forecast. In this way you can avoid and unpleasant surprises if you want to undertake an excursion!

Today: Snow showers in the north, more sun in the south

It will remain sunny towards the south in the afternoon. On the border with North Tyrol, it will continue to be unsettled and there will be a few snow showers. In many valleys, strong northerly winds. Afternoon temperatures will range from 8° in Sterzing to 19° in Bozen.

Tomorrow: Sun and clouds

It will be sunny at times across most of the region. More clouds initially on the main Alpine ridge and during the day some extensive cloud fields may also pass through the rest of the region. It will remain windy. Temperatures will reach highs of 8° to 18°.

Next days Weather forecasts: Increasingly sunny with mild temperatures

  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

Wednesday will continue with a mixture of sun and clouds. The north wind will ease. Thursday will be very sunny and the sky will often be cloudless. There will also be plenty of sunshine on Friday. Temperatures will reach highs of up to 22°. Saturday will remain sunny with a few patches of cloud passing through.

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